MIT OPAL - Open Algorithms Server
Leverages the power of platforms, big data and advanced analytics for the public good in a privacy-preserving, commercially sensible, stable, scalable, and sustainable manner. UI for a web app that deploys smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Created at the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society at MIT.
Made with React, React Router, D3, JavaScript, Bootstrap
Pillar VC Blockchain Developer Training Workshop
Token transfer dApp on the Ethereum blockchain as part of a full day developer training workshop in Boston, MA
Made with Web3, EVM, Truffle, React, JavaScript
MIT CoreID Project + DCU
A blockchain-backed individual identity open source prototype that utiltizes bitcoin core libraries for signing documents/claims and validating signatures. Created at the Human Dynamics group of the MIT Media Lab.
Made with BitcoinJS, React Router, ReactJS
TTCR - Transparent Token Curated Registries
A dApp that establishes a registry of token projects meeting transparency and financial reporting standards on the Ethereum blockchain. Finalist project at the MIT Bitcoin Hackathon.
Made with Web3, EVM, Truffle, React, JavaScript